Picone’s Fruit Wine, Dragon Fruit (0.3 liters)
$ 2.95 តម្លៃដើមគឺ: $ 2.95$ 2.66តម្លៃបច្ចុប្បន្នគឺ: $ 2.66.
1 Bottle Picone’s Fruit Wine, Dragon Fruit, 0.3 liters
SKU: 494
ប្រភេទ៖ ភេសជ្ជៈមានស្ពឹក
Picone’s second fruit wine in a small bottle (0.3 liters). This bottle size is perfect if you haven’t tried this fruit wine yet and would like to buy a small bottle to taste it first.
Made with dragon fruit – 10% alcohol
✓ Picone’s Fruit Wine, ចំណីផ្លែឈើ Dragon Fruit (1 Liter)
$ 9.50តម្លៃដើមគឺ: $ 9.50$ 6.65តម្លៃបច្ចុប្បន្នគឺ: $ 6.65. -
Picone's Fruit Wine, ចេកសើច (0.3 លីត្រ)
$ 2.95តម្លៃដើមគឺ: $ 2.95$ 2.66តម្លៃបច្ចុប្បន្នគឺ: $ 2.66.
Tiger Crystal Beer – 330ml Can (Tall)
$ 0.79តម្លៃដើមគឺ: $ 0.79$ 0.71តម្លៃបច្ចុប្បន្នគឺ: $ 0.71. -
10 x Tiger Crystal Beer – 330ml Can (Tall)
$ 7.50តម្លៃដើមគឺ: $ 7.50$ 6.75តម្លៃបច្ចុប្បន្នគឺ: $ 6.75. -
Anchor Pilsener Beer – កំប៉ុង 330មីល្លីលីត្រ
$ 0.69តម្លៃដើមគឺ: $ 0.69$ 0.62តម្លៃបច្ចុប្បន្នគឺ: $ 0.62.